[Blender 3D] Wood Floor Material Using Node.

Like I mentioned on my last article about node tutorial that I think it’s time for my beginner readers to start learning about node. For beginner user, node can be so confusing to use. So, that’s why we will start with a simple wood floor material using node. I still use my house model for this learning.

I select the floor object and create a new material with Image Texture option.

At this point, you already have a good texture to render. But, if you want more advanced and structure parameters, you can always use a node. Make another window on your scene, and change it to node editor.

With node you can set or add more element as you like. For example, if you want a bump on our floor, you can create another line/connection from Image Texture: Color to Material Output: Displacement.

If you render your scene, you won’t be see a bump on floor because there is no reflection on it. You can add Shader Glossy node by press Shift + A —> Shader —> Glossy BSDF. Remember though to always place your cursor on node editor to make it active.

Because we’re gonna mix the two input together, Image Texture and Glossy, we gonna need a node can mix them together that called Mix Shader (Shift + A —> Shader —> Mix Shader). After you add it, connect the node like picture below:

If your floor look too rough, you can add Vector —> Bump node and then connect it to Displacement and decrease the Strength to 0.5. Also connect Image Texture to Bump node, just like I did below:

Wood Floor Material Using Node

Alright, that’s it for now. On next tutorial, we will learning about particle and maybe play a little bit with node editor. Make sure you already subscribe, so you won’t miss the article. Thank you for reading this wood floor material using node article and see you next time!.

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