Spiral Staircase Using Empty Object in Blender 3D.

Hey ya  guys, we met again. We’re still on staircase topic though :). Straight staircase is done and now let’s try with spiral staircase. We will still use array modifier with a little help from empty object and apply/rotation feature in Editor Object Data. Our spiral stair will look like that DNA Helix.

At this point I assume you already know how to add new object and transform its dimension, alright?. So make a cube object and change the dimension to X: 1.2 m; Y: 40 cm; Z: 5 cm.

Now we will dig to more specific steps.

I want you to make sure the pivot point and 3d cursor place in the middle of our stair count object. Click on the object and enter edit mode ( TAB ). And then press Shift+S and choose Cursor to Selected. Back to Object Mode and on Tool Shelf click Set Origin —> Origin to 3D Cursor.

Spiral Staircase Using Empty Object 1 Continue reading Spiral Staircase Using Empty Object in Blender 3D.