What You Should Do Before Publish First Blog Post.

After a while I got into this blogging world, there is some routine i usually do after i create a new blog. If you read this article, i assume you want to blogging but don’t know what to do, right?. At this point I’m sure you already know what your blog topic/niche and have decide which blogging platform to use.

What You Should Do Before Publish First Blog Post.
sumber: masternewmedia.org

Before i publish my first post, this is what i do after i create a new blog.

1. Set Blogger Dashboard Setting. 

Before i go to use other website tool/gadget, i usually set what we have on blogger dashboard. From create a new pages if I have too, manage my comments section, change my template with the one that look more proper with my niche, and set my basic and other setting. We have 6 sub-section on setting. But, the most tricky one for beginner blogger is on search preference. This section include meta tags description, error and redirection, and crawler and indexing.

I already wrote all section on blogger dashboard. So, if you still confuse on something just look up from my search box.

2. Add Gadget.

Your blog won’t look professional or interactive enough without gadget added. You can choose the gadgets from blogger official list or add 3rd party gadget. There are plenty of them. For newbie, sometime you will feel tempted to add all gadget so you think your blog will look cooler. But, added a lot of gadget is not effective. Sometimes, it will give you trouble like slow loading and even worse a malware/virus.

3. Add GWT, Bing, Google Analytics, and Alexa Rank Code.

The last one is place all these tracking code. All these tracking code is provided to help you to grow your blog popularity and SEO, help you to get out of trouble that mostly from google punishment, malware, and if your template have some error. Google Analytics and Alexa Rank is more about information on your traffic and visitor behaviour and geographic. Look on my search box how to add all these code tutorial.

Okay, that’s it!. After i set all this stuff then i can start publish unique and original post. Hope it’s help you, guys!.

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