Category Archives: Blogging Tutorial

All post about blogging tutorial, tips & trick for wordpress, blogspot, and tumblr, platform.

[WordPress] Searching/Installing New Theme and Plugin.

For WordPress beginner, the admin dashboard probably a little intimidate. Specially if you come from simple dashboard like tumblr or blogspot. But, if you want to step up your game in blogging world, I suggest you to switch to WordPress. I like WordPress because I can actually own the content. It’s mine. I also have a freedom to customize it. Unlike tumblr and blogspot, the platform can shut down your blog anytime you violate their TOS. Also access WordPress theme editor is easier.

When you finally decide to use WordPress self hosted platform, you probably want to install your new theme and plugin. Well, this beginner WordPress tutorial written for you. By the way, if you want to know why you should join tumblr, read this article.

Install New Theme on WordPress:

Make sure you already have the themes file. You can download it for free or purchase it from marketplace like themeforest. I suggest you to buy premium theme as time invest in the future. The theme file usually in .zip file. Continue reading [WordPress] Searching/Installing New Theme and Plugin.

[WordPress] Remove Spam Comments with Akismet.

Spam comments will flood your blog instantly after you publish a post. If you manage your own blog, it’s a little frustrated to see all this unrelated comments. And I’m not talking about just 2 or 3 comments, they like dozen at the same time. You can moderate this in manual way by select all the spam comments and move it to trash. But, because it’s too many, sometimes you accidentally delete the organic comments. But, feel no worry anymore. To easy this normal admin task, you can use Akismet Anti Spam plugin.

To use this plugin you need to join akismet first. And yes it’s a free register. You can join using your account. Next install the plugin. You can search it from your plugin sidebar area or to save your time here’s the link. Once it’s installed, click on Activate.

Continue reading [WordPress] Remove Spam Comments with Akismet.

How to Change Favicon/Logo Blogspot on Browser Tab with Your Own Logo.

When you create a blogspot site, the logo that will appear on browser tab or address bar is default blogger logo. To give identity to your blog and to look more professional, you need to change the default logo with your own. You can create a picture or text logo that in jpg, bmp, or png file.

Basically there are two ways to do it, easy way and hard way. Let’s try with the easy way first.

1. Go to your Layout section, and look for favicon gadget that usually place on top left.

2. Click on Edit text link, and click on choose file button. Just make sure your logo image is less than 100KB. Don’t forget to save it. Continue reading How to Change Favicon/Logo Blogspot on Browser Tab with Your Own Logo.

Place Total Comment Count on Blogger Post Title.

source: codecheese[dot]com

Comment section is an important part of the blog. Having people comment on your blog is a big thing. It’s mean people search and land on the information you put on your site. And for the blogger, it’s feel great. This adding total comment count on blogger post title is not necessary tool. However, when new visitor see the total comment count, they’ll feel they can trust the content you write.

The steps to add this small tool is quiet easy. Just follow the instruction below:

1. Go to Template, and click Edit HTML.
2. Search for this code:

<a expr:href=’data:post.url’><data:post.title/></a>

When you find it, copy the code below and paste it after/below the code above. Continue reading Place Total Comment Count on Blogger Post Title.