This short animation film, Darrel by Marc Briones & Alan Carabantes appear on my facebook timeline a couple days ago. The story is about a lizard name Darrel who just enjoy his typical day. Everything change until, someone, who could be “the one” join him at the quiet subway. What happen next, you should watch it now!. Continue reading [Short Animation Film] Darrel by Marc Briones & Alan Carabantes
Category Archives: CGI
CGI news and tutorial that maybe can help beginner user
[Blender 3D] How to Fix UV Map Size and Orientation.
When we’re working on UV Map mode, sometimes we face a problem where the image map is in wrong size and direction. And many beginner user don’t know that we actually can use transformation command when working on UV Image Editor. I don’t want to waste your time anymore, so let’s get started. Continue reading [Blender 3D] How to Fix UV Map Size and Orientation.
[Blender 3D] Checker Board Texture
After I’m taking a break from Blender 3d tutorial for beginner, now I’m back with a simple tutorial article about how to create a checker board texture in blender3d. Because we only want to learn adding checker texture, you can download its 3d model free from free3d. You don’t have to join the site, just search the site and look specifically for blend file.
Now, open the blend file and if your model already have material, remove them one by one if it’s necessary. Also, make sure you’re in Cycles Render. Next, select the main board and create new material. Choose Diffuse BSDF on Surface and Checker Texture on Color. Most important thing is the scale value. It depends on the size of your knight, pawn, etc. I set my scale to 8. See picture below for more details:
[Gimp] Create Photo Frame Effect with Quick Mask.
So, this is the second masking trick I want to show you guys. Compare to masking with paintbrush technique, quick mask is more easier. However I only use quick mask if my selection area is geometry and static. If I want to display more dynamic or artsy area I usually use paintbrush. A good example is to create photo frame effect with quick mask on gimp.
Open a new image file, again I have my nephew here :). First create a selection area you want to show. You can use any type of selection tool you want. This time I choose rectangle selection.
Continue reading [Gimp] Create Photo Frame Effect with Quick Mask.