All Tricks to Master Blender 2.77 View and Viewport.

After my very first post about blender 2.77 user interface, now we move to view and viewport. Some new user will find it difficult to adjust because sometimes the general command that we used to other 3d software, maybe not working on blender 3d. You only have to spend more time on blender. There’s so many command to approach just one job, you can find it using numpad, menu option, or a mouse click/scroll. In this post I will only show you a command that I use the most.

Camera Orbit

By default you can play camera orbit with mouse, just hold the middle wheel mouse and move it around viewport, just like other 3d software.

Camera orbit blender 2.77

If you an apple or windows user, you probably won’t have issue with mouse wheel, but if you on linux, sometimes it get hard, just like I experienced. What I did is change to short key. Go to user preferences —> input tab —> click 3d view arrow to drop down menu —> rotate view and change it to shift left house. Don’t forget to click save user settings and check box emulate numpad.

Change 3d view shortcut in blender

Another trick is with numpad.

Numpad 4: turn camera to left.

Numpad 6: turn camera to right.

Numpad 8: turn camera up.

Numpad 2: turn camera down.

Zoom & Pan Camera

To zoom the camera you just have to play with scroll mouse, and to pan up down press shift + scroll mouse, to pan right left press ctrl + scroll mouse. Easy right?.

Tips: Numpad 5 is to toggle view to Perspective or Orthogonal view. Numpad 1 to front view, Numpad 3 to right view, and Numpad 7 is top view.


By default when you open blender, it only show one viewport, but if you need to work in 4 viewport, you can do that by shortcut Ctrl + Alt + Q.


  1. To split or join viewport/panel, just right click on view border and choose split or join area.
  2. You also can change the look of your viewport layout to animation, compositing, video editing, etc on info panel.
4 viewport in blender layout

Don’t forget shortcut T and N if you want to display tool shelf and object properties panel.

All this trick is my everyday approach when I’m working with blender viewport/layout. I hope this article is helpful for beginner user, and if you have question, ask away!. Thank you for stopping by and reading. See you on next tutorial!.



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