Simple Code of Floating Social Media Share Button.

On my previous post, I show you how to add social media share button under post on blogspot. You probably seen a lot of website that using float share button. Unlike share button I used that only placed on the bottom of post, float share button will always in your eye sight whenever you scroll down-up a page.
And if you prefer this way, just follow this easy tutorial:
1. On your blog dashboard, go to LayOut, and click Add Gadget.

Continue reading Simple Code of Floating Social Media Share Button.

Increase Authorship by Adding Social Networking Button.

Okay, from my last blogging (blogspot) tips for beginner article, I mentioned Social Networking button is number widget to add on blogger/blogspot blog. Google doesn’t provide you the button on their list widget, that’s why you have to add them yourself. If you download free 3rd party template, they usually already installed. You just need to change the social networking username or ID. Here’s a little tips to find the code:

Change Social Networking Username/ID/URL on Blogspot:

1. On your Dashboard, choose Template. Then click EDIT HTML.
2. When your HTML window appear. Press Ctrl+F and find whichever Social Networking name. I usually just type Facebook or Twitter. All the button placed at the same code are. Something like this: Continue reading Increase Authorship by Adding Social Networking Button.

Adding Social Media Share Button Below Post to Get More Visitor.

Adding share button on your blog post will increase page views and readership. There are several style of placement you can use. My favorite is adding them under blog post. Those colorful button are fast and easy to search. For this gadget, I usually use Share This service. You don’t have to add all of them. Just pick social media that you use the most or focus on.

If you like the social media button that I added under every blog post, I’ll give you the code, just follow this easy tutorial:

1. Go to your blogger/blogspot LayOut, and click on Add Gadget.
2. Choose HTML/JavaScript gadget. Copy – paste code below on the gadget box: Continue reading Adding Social Media Share Button Below Post to Get More Visitor.

4 Best Free Blogging Platform to Join.


On my previous post, I gave you 5 points based on my experience why people should start blogging. If you missed it, you probably want to check it out. Hopefully, one of the reasons I mentioned can open your mind and get you thinking to blogging. If you do, then it must be confuse for beginner to start. Questions like ” what website to use to create a blog? “ or ” are they free or paid? “.

Well, to answer your question I write this blogging article to help you to decide what is the right blogging platform for you to use. By far, in blogging world these are the best blogging platform to join. Continue reading 4 Best Free Blogging Platform to Join.

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