I honestly don’t remember when was the last time I write an article about wordpress or blogging tips. I apologize for that. But, now I’m back with a new article, adsense earnings at risk ads.txt file issues, that I’m sure will be helpful, hopefully :). About a couple months ago, I received a warning on my Adsense account said: “Earnings at risk – One or more of your sites does not have an ads.txt file. Fix this now to avoid severe impact to your revenue”.
I ignore it for a while because my adsense revenue is not that big and I don’t pay too much attention on it. But then, in this last two months my revenue increase in good number, so I thought maybe I should fix the ads.txt issue and see how it goes. Also I want my dashboard more “clean” :). It’s fixing is easy though. You just need to click on Fix Now button and download the ads.txt file. See pictures below:
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