[Gimp] Selection Pt. 1: Rectangle, Ellipse, Freehand, and Fuzzy.

There are at least 8 method ( that I remember ) you can use to select object on gimp. In this first post about selection, I’m gonna show you how to do rectangle, ellipse, freehand, and fuzzy selection. This four selection tool in gimp is the easiest, so we will start from there.

1. Rectangle Selection.

Open one of the image file on you library, and click on rect select icon. Drag your mouse on image, it will created a rectangle selection. On its Tool Options, there mode you can choose: replace, add, substract, and intersect. You can try each of them.

rectangle, ellipse, freehand, and fuzzy selection Continue reading [Gimp] Selection Pt. 1: Rectangle, Ellipse, Freehand, and Fuzzy.

Introduction to Gimp 2.8 Image Editing

So glad after 3 months with no update I’m back with another open source cgi tutorial for beginner. And this time I choose Gimp. Gimp is a free and open source photo editing to use for graphic designer, illustrator, and photographer. If you don’ want spend extra money on Photoshop, you can download Gimp new version directly from their official website, gimp.org. Continue reading Introduction to Gimp 2.8 Image Editing