All posts by svnserendipity (admin)

[Gimp] How to Create a Gif & Watermark Text.

When you surf the net specially social media web, I’m sure you will see lot of gif and meme on your feed. Create a meme is easier than create a gif. Gif is a sequences of still images that play in loop. You can use SMPlayer to have a collection of still images/frames of your video file. But, if you on Ubuntu, you can extract them using Ffmpeg. Continue reading [Gimp] How to Create a Gif & Watermark Text.

[Ubuntu 16.04] Extract Video Multiple Still Images/Frames with Ffmpeg.

In this software era, video player often comes with a feature that can screenshot video scene in still image format while playing. Some of the software that provide this feature are VLC and Video. If I’m on Windows OS, my choice player is probably SMPlayer. SMPlayer can extract multiple frames in one click, VLC and Video can’t. I have the program on my Ubuntu but I don’t know why the screenshot feature is not available. If you have the same problem as mine, there is another method.

We still can extract video still images/frames with ffmpeg via terminal. But first make sure your video file in home directory and rename it simple just to make it easier when you type the command. Now, type the command like below on your terminal. It won’t ask you password like usual.

$ ffmpeg -i outlanders01e01.mp4 -r 1 -ss 00:00:56 -t 00:01:56 outlander-%02d.png

Extract Video Multiple Still Images/Frames with Ffmpeg Continue reading [Ubuntu 16.04] Extract Video Multiple Still Images/Frames with Ffmpeg.

[Ubuntu 16.04 32bit] Installing Atom & Visual Studio Code Editor.

From my blog content, I’m sure you can guess my background is 3d. Architectural 3d more precisely. But, in the last few months I start to learn how to code. So, I’m what twitter peeps called #CodeNewbie hahaha. Anyway, to code you need a text editor. On Ubuntu you can use gEdit that already default installed or Sublime Text that you can download easily.

But in this post, I’m want to show you how to install Atom & Visual Studio Code Editor on Ubuntu 16.04 LTS 32bit machine. When I’m on my Ubuntu laptop, I use Sublime Text to code but now I’m switch to Atom. However Atom official release only available for Ubuntu/Linux 64bit.

Installing Atom Text Editor on Ubuntu 16.04 LTS 32bit

For your information, Atom hasn’t release an official package for 32 bit, but you can download it via PPA that maintaining by Webupd8Team. Open your terminal and type: Continue reading [Ubuntu 16.04 32bit] Installing Atom & Visual Studio Code Editor.

Switch From WordPress Block Editor to Classic Editor

Just like what I mentioned on my previous post, it’s been a while since I publish an article. So imagine my surprise when I see wordpress post editor have change to block editor. I know a lot of WordPress user are not happy including me of course. Everything in new editor is in a sleek block design. You can add and move around the block. What I don’t like about this design is it’s so sensitive. You can accidentally drag one block and no idea where it is on your post. Also the feature (with its tiny icon) is hidden in its drop-down menu, you have to click it to find what you need. So not practical.

Maybe it’s just need some adjustment, right?. But, honestly we’re bloggers just need a simple editor. There’s a way if you want to switch back to classic editor. I wish wordpress give us option though, but for this you need a plugin called Classic Editor. So, go ahead install and activate Classic Editor plugin. Once its activated, click on Settings. Now on default editor for all users check Classic Editor. And on allow users to switch editors check yes. Don’t forget to click on save changes button.

Wordpress Block Editor to Classic Editor Continue reading Switch From WordPress Block Editor to Classic Editor