What is Custom Robots txt Use For?.

In search preferences section, you will see 3 area that need an advance blogging knowledge to play with. They are meta tags, errors/redirections, and crawlers & indexing. In this post I’m gonna try to give you an easy explanation about what is custom robots txt use for.

Robots.txt is a command path for search engine to crawl or not to crawl a specific path or content on your blog or site. Its function is like a filter. Every blogspot site have a default robots.txt like below:

User-agent: Mediapartners-Google

User-agent: *
Disallow: /search
Allow: /

Sitemap: http://blogname.blogspot.com/feeds/posts/default?orderby=UPDATED

If you want to see yours, go to your browser address bar and type:


Continue reading What is Custom Robots txt Use For?.

How to Fix 404 Error Code ( Page Not Found ).

Bloggers, how long have you been blogging?. 3 months, 6 months, or you just have your 1 year blogging anniversary?. If you long enough in this blogsphere, there a chance you have some error on your blog. But, you will not find it if you don’t have tool like Google Webmaster Tool that will track your blog health. If you’re a newbie blogger i suggest you start using GWT.

What is 404 Error Code?.

404 error ( warning ) will appear on a page that don’t have content, article, or post on it. I’m sure you all seen it before. Now, what can cause this error?. In my experience, the cause of this error can be the blog/website owner delete the post or they change the url structure. Google will see your blog as “sick” blog and eventually will effect your SERP. Can you fix it?. Of course!. Continue reading How to Fix 404 Error Code ( Page Not Found ).

Make Customize 404 Page Not Found More Cooler.

From my previous post about fix 404 error code, i show you how to redirects all your broken link, from old url to new url. If your blogging platform is blogger, and when people looking for a topic or specific keywords, and it doesn’t exist, usually the page will greet them like the pic below:

no keywords or topic found

That’s great if you already fix the problem, but what if you missed it?. With new blogger UI, you can customize your 404 Page Not Found to look more professional, cooler, or less boring. The use of this new tool is give a lost visitor that usually come from SE a new direction what they should do if they couldn’t find the article they looking for. It’s also a new way to interacting with your visitor. Continue reading Make Customize 404 Page Not Found More Cooler.