Modeling Wall Clock Part 1 in Blender 3D.

With this Modeling Wall Clock in Blender 3D tutorial, we will learn about circular duplication with array from certain angle. Also we will add a 2d object that we can turn to 3d object. This learning project probably looks easy for you, but in the process of making we need a few trick so our wall clock will have a clean, precision, and also measurable.

Here’s a few things that we will learn during this practice:

  • Modifier: Array: Fit Count, Fit Length, Relative Offset, Constant Offset.
  • Border Selection.
  • Object Text & Font.
  • Duplicate Object.

By the way, I won’t show you a how step by step instruction because that will make a very long post. I will assume you already know how to add a new object, enter transformation/edit mode, know where to find each slot in properties panel, how to select mode ( Ctrl+TAB ), change the object dimension, etc. Basically all the beginner command, okay?.

Let’s get started then!.

1. Create a cylinder object with dimension show below:

Wall Clock 1 Continue reading Modeling Wall Clock Part 1 in Blender 3D.