Tag Archives: Blogger Views

4 Website That Connect Your Blog and Social Media.

Blogging will not required a lot of your time if you only have 1 blog. But, what if in the future you enjoy it and decided to become a full time blogger, and suddenly you have 5 blogs to manage. If you have extra money you can hire virtual assistant, pro blogger, or you can just do it yourself.
To gain blog popularity and get traffic, one of the trick you can do is sharing your post to social media like twitter & facebook. Do it manually is take a lot of time. But, now there’s a service to do the job. Website that let your blog, twitter, and facebook connected.
Here’s 4 website that i usually use for this matter:

Continue reading 4 Website That Connect Your Blog and Social Media.

What You Should Do Before Publish First Blog Post.

After a while I got into this blogging world, there is some routine i usually do after i create a new blog. If you read this article, i assume you want to blogging but don’t know what to do, right?. At this point I’m sure you already know what your blog topic/niche and have decide which blogging platform to use.

What You Should Do Before Publish First Blog Post.
sumber: masternewmedia.org

Before i publish my first post, this is what i do after i create a new blog. Continue reading What You Should Do Before Publish First Blog Post.

What is the Difference Between Alexa Rank & Google PageRank?.

Do you know that every website (including a blog) have internet ranking?. For long time blogger, i think they already know this. But, for beginner, this is a new information for you. An exciting news as well because now you want to know your blog rank in internet. But, first thing first, okay?.

source: factsnfakes

Basically, there are 2 common rank known in internet. Alexa Rank & Google PageRank. These ranking is tell web owner how popular their site/blog is. In this article, i will explain to you as easiest as possible the difference between these two ranking. Continue reading What is the Difference Between Alexa Rank & Google PageRank?.

11 Widgets Need to Install After You Create a Blog.

source: helperblogger

If you decide to use blogspot/blogger as your blogging platform then you have advantages to use google own widget/product and add them to your blog. Its more safety, so I suggest you if it’s possible to always use blogger official widget. However, not all widget you need listen on blogger widget. You can use 3rd party widget, but always make sure the code source is trusted and harmless. After all, you don’t want virus or malware on your template, do you?. :D.

At early stage, beginner blogger always want their blog look ” pretty and colorful “. But, that’s not necessary and effective. What you need is a simple and clean lay out so your blog will loading faster, engrossed readership and don’t make them lost. So, here’s my list of widgets that beginner blogger should add, IMHO of course :D. Continue reading 11 Widgets Need to Install After You Create a Blog.