Around the beginning of April 2020, Twitter updated their explore trends feature by remove the choice of worldwide trends in the timeline. They tweeted that they are developing an explore feature which will later display more relevant content for various locations that users can choose from.
7 months running and there is no latest update of the trends feature that Twitter promised. We can no longer select the trends “worldwide” option on the explore location tab. The secret to bring back twitter worldwide trends option is to set it up via a tablet or smartphone that still has the old version of Twitter installed before the update after April 2020.
Fortunately, my old iPad 2, which is stuck with its ios 9 still has Twitter old version hahaha. So, just open the Twitter app on your tablet/smartphone, access the search/explore tab, click show more —> icon settings. Turn off “trends for you” and in the change location section, type worldwide. The choice will appear. Don’t forget to click Done. Continue reading Secret to Bring Back Twitter “Worldwide” Trends.→
In today’s internet era, there are so many service out there that offer file sharing feature. On my own personal experience, I like to send file using messenger application like whatsapp, telegram, and fb messenger only for friends and family. Maybe because they are not secretly files hahaha.
But for the work use, one of the most commonly used file sharing is email or cloud-based such as dropbox. The services I mentioned above are private or public. What if we want it public but also private and encrypted (confidential) ?. You can try the latest services from Firefox/Mozilla Foundation named Firefox Send.
The plan is to continue my AutoCAD for Mac serie but I can’t. Why?. Because my Macbook Air is broken and it’s frustrating. If you’re one of my youtube subscriber, you won’t get new video anyime soon. So, here I am back to my Ubuntu laptop and decided to write an article about what I just experienced while I’m surfing the Internet.
I uninstalled firefox from my ubuntu laptop because the latest version is slower and sometimes its freeze that I need to reboot my. From what I read on Ubuntu software center, I’m not the only one. So, I found this new browser, Vivaldi, a few months back. The browser have some cool features (we will talk about it another time) but when I open twitter it show a message “the media could no be played” when someone post a video.
Hello social media people, how are you?. How’s your weekend?. Did you take a lot of pictures?. I’m sure you instantly upload them to instagram, right?. A few days ago I found a trick how to post instagram photo from chrome browser. I think graphic designer, photographer, artist, and social media worker who work from their desktop computer a lot will find this article useful. Before I found this trick I always use file sharing app like dropbox, but now it’s save my time a lot.