This is How I Save Web Pages as PDF File.

I’m taking a little bit of break posting about blender 3d tutorial. I hope those of you who follow this blog because of the topic won’t mind. I’m sure this some of you still found this web pages pdf tips somehow useful.

We all always depend on google when we searching information for our work references, right?. Some website is kindly enough to provide us with free ebook/pdf file and some are not, but I’m still thankful if I found what I’m looking for. Before I know this trick, I always save the web pages as html file (complete webpage). And if it’s too many on my folder, I hate to see all the html and its folder files. I only want 1 type of file exist that is pdf file.

Now, let’s say you on the page you searching for. For example, I’m gonna use my randomize vertex feature post. Instead of using your browser save page as feature, go to your browser file —> Print or just press Ctrl + P on keyboard. Your page will loading in print out layout, and next click on Save button.

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