All posts by svnserendipity (admin)

What to Do After You Create a Blog.

Let’s say after you read my previous post, you decide to go with blogspot/blogger blog. To create blogger/blogspot blog, you only need gmail id. But, if you still not sure, I guide below a blogging tutorial for beginner, step by step to create blogger/blogspot.

1. Go to, and sign in with your GMail ID.

2. Once you in, you’ll be on your all blogs dashboard. If none blog added, click the Create Blog button on left sidebar. Now, the create blog window will pop ups. Fill the title, subdomain name, and pick the template ( just choose whichever, you can change it later ). Then Create Blog button. See the pics below: Continue reading What to Do After You Create a Blog.

5 Reasons Why You Should Create a Blog.

source: britannica

To be honest, my experience with blogging world is not much. I have my first blog in 2010, and it’s not that kind of personal blog that people have in the beginning of blogging. My blog consist a several category mix between my favorite tv show post to some 3d tutorial. I even don’t know what is niche mean. Until one day, a male blogger who lives in the same city as me, add me on Facebook. Yup, that time I spend most of my online time on playing Facebook  * grin *.

So we talk and he told me several points why people should start blogging. Along with my years experience, here’s why:

1. Productive Time to Learn Something New.

How much time a day you spend online?. And doing what?. Most people I know in real life can spend 2 – 4 hours a day playing games online or add comment on ridiculous status or photos on Facebook. With that hours, if you start blogging, you will learn a lot of new thing. Either it’s about coding, SEO, social media, or Internet marketing.

I like to learn something new, so these thing excited me. It need time to get used to edit HTML code and practice SEO, I’m not an expert yet, but I know more now. That’s why I started this blog * grin *. Continue reading 5 Reasons Why You Should Create a Blog.

One Click to Remove Blogger Navbar.

When you create blogspot/blogger blog and choose use their default template, the navbar gadget will show on your blog page by default. But, if you use third party template, though mostly the designer include them, it’s hidden.

The navbar can be useful, it’s a shortcut to your dashboard, a quick click to Sign in /Sign out, you can search other blog, share interesting blog, and randomly stumble to next/updated blog. But, sometimes in visual way, you wanna get rid of it. This is probably the easiest tutorial for beginner i ever write, it’s only need one click. Continue reading One Click to Remove Blogger Navbar.

Remove Attribution Powered by Blogger.

Attribution gadget is a blogger identity button that usually added on the bottom of the page with text Powered by Blogger. Sometimes when you download free blogspot template they have it. You can keep it if you want, but if you want to remove it follow this easy blogspot tutorial for beginner below:

1. Log in to your blogger dashboard, and choose TEMPLATE.

2. Now on your template box, search ( Ctrl + F ) for this line: Continue reading Remove Attribution Powered by Blogger.