For a blog/site, pageviews & visitor are two important element that indicate how popular the site is. Most bloggers goals is to see improvement on their stats numbers. But, a lot of them specially the beginner doesn’t know that pageviews & visitor are not the same.
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In my early days of blogging, when someone ask me, how many visitor comes to my blog, i always answer with the number i see on my blogger stats dashboard. If i see 500 pageviews/day, i will answer 500 visitor. But, that’s before i know the difference between pageviews & visitor.
Pageviews is a total pages that visitor view in one time visit. 1 visitor is certainly gives your blog 1 pageviews. If the visitor read 5 more article on your blog, then your blog will have 5 more pageviews, but the visitor still 1. The more visitor you have, there’s more possibility you will gain more pageviews.
Visitor is a person who comes to our blog in one time visit. They comes to our blog from referral, direct or indirect, search engine (google, bing, yaho), social bookmark (digg, reddit, stumbleupon), or from other blogs that link to your blog. Both pageviews and visitor we called it traffic.
More visitor doesn’t mean you have more pageviews. Example, if blog A have 100 visitor, and each of them only read 1 article, that’s mean blog A only have 100. Now, if blog B have 50 visitor and each of them read 10 articles, then blog B will have 500 pageviews.
To gain more readers your main focus is to create unique and original post. If you don’t know how to check your site real visitor, you need to sign up Google Analytics and add the tracking code.