Chat box is one of the powerful tool that allow you to connect with your readers. have a live conversation on your blog. People will leave you message, like how helpful your blog or just want to say Hi. And Shout Mix is one of the bloggers favorite tool for that. Don’t worry this blogspot tutorial for beginner will show you how easy to add it.
If you are what they call a deviant, you should have a deviantart gallery on your blog or website platform. Go visit deviantshare and follow the instruction, they also have facebook and twitter application there, but if you already here i`m gonna show you how :).
Follow this easysteps for blogspot user below:
1. LOG IN to your Deviantart account, go to your PROFILE page. On DEVIOUS INFO click edit, change your CURRENT RESIDENCE to:
Twitter is one of the most powerful social networking right now. For webmaster/blogger it’s a good tool for marketing, networking, back link, or just to meet new friends. Adding twitter on your blog is a must. Either it’s a image button that redirect to your twitter profile or a widget. With twitter widget, your tweets will stream on your blog and your visitor can tweet you direct from your blog. It’s pretty cool right?.
I’m sure you can find 3rd party with their very own twitter widget. But, do you know, you actually can built twitter widget from your account. I like this approach better, it’s official twitter widget, so it’s more safe and secure. And you don’t have to worry about the bug. Continue reading Connect with Followers Using Twitter Updates Widget.→
We don’t have snow here, but maybe some of you are lucky to experience it. If you look out the window and it’s snowing, and wondering if you can apply snow flash on you blog. The answer is yes, you can. You can add the script on your WordPress or Blogspot web, and it’s really easy.
The snow will follow cursor movement on screen, and it looks perfect on white or black background with simple template design.
1. Log In to your blogger account, and choose which blog you want to add it.
2. On Dashboard, click Lay Out. Now you can see all gadget inside your blog.