When you create a blogspot site, the logo that will appear on browser tab or address bar is default blogger logo. To give identity to your blog and to look more professional, you need to change the default logo with your own. You can create a picture or text logo that in jpg, bmp, or png file.
Basically there are two ways to do it, easy way and hard way. Let’s try with the easy way first.
1. Go to your Layout section, and look for favicon gadget that usually place on top left.
2. Click on Edit text link, and click on choose file button. Just make sure your logo image is less than 100KB. Don’t forget to save it.
But, what if your template doesn’t have favicon gadget?, do not worry my friend, you still can add the logo by change shortcut icon on your template. Here’s how:
1. Go to Template section and click Edit HTML.
2. Search for </head>, and place code below above/before it.
<link href=’logo image url source’ rel=’shortcut icon’/>
3. Try to preview template, and if it’s look good, click on save template.
However, the logo won’t appear immediately, i suggest give it 24 hours until it’s display on your browser tab.
Good luck, guys!