Adding Google Contact Form.

Before blogspot/blogger add contact form on their gadget list, user used to had 3rd party contact form like Kontactr. It’s so awesome blogspot/blogger makes improvement and finally listen to user demand. Adding contact form on your blog is very useful, specially if you re a designer, artist, or photographer and have your artwork display on your blog. It’s a great tool for people to reach you for networking or just want to say Hi.

Now, to add contact form gadget on blogspot is very easy for beginner. Just follow this simple tutorial below:

1. Log in to your blogger dashboard, and enter LayOut tab. Click on Add Gadget link. If your template have add gadget on footer, choose that area. I think best position to place contact form is on the footer area. Continue reading Adding Google Contact Form.

Linkwithin and Outbrain Related Post Widget.

In my post about 11 widgets you need to install on blogspot blog, I added Related Post widget on #3. Related widget is a powerful tool for readers to discover your old posts. If you write post in same topic or category, those posts will show up on the bottom of each post. They will display in text link or thumbnails, its all you choice.

There are several websites that offer you the service, some of them are free, required sign up, and some of them don’t. I always mix those choices, text link – thumbnail, and required sign up and not required sign up. Two of my favorite website are Linkwithin and Outbrain.
Adding them is very easy. In this post I’m gonna show you how to add these 2 websites tool on blogspot. Just follow the steps below:

Continue reading Linkwithin and Outbrain Related Post Widget.

Official Subscribe Button and Follow By Email Gadget.

If someone visit your blogspot blog and find the information you provide is useful, they want to be a regular readers. To be able to do that, they need to subscribe to your blog. There are two type of subscriber. One, people who like follow content on feeds/feedburner. Two, people who like receive content through email.
Luckily for you, there are official subscribe button and follow me via email gadget for blogspot blog. From my experience, adding these official gadget is useful if you want your template load faster than if you use HTML code from

Continue reading Official Subscribe Button and Follow By Email Gadget.

11 Widgets Need to Install After You Create a Blog.

source: helperblogger

If you decide to use blogspot/blogger as your blogging platform then you have advantages to use google own widget/product and add them to your blog. Its more safety, so I suggest you if it’s possible to always use blogger official widget. However, not all widget you need listen on blogger widget. You can use 3rd party widget, but always make sure the code source is trusted and harmless. After all, you don’t want virus or malware on your template, do you?. :D.

At early stage, beginner blogger always want their blog look ” pretty and colorful “. But, that’s not necessary and effective. What you need is a simple and clean lay out so your blog will loading faster, engrossed readership and don’t make them lost. So, here’s my list of widgets that beginner blogger should add, IMHO of course :D. Continue reading 11 Widgets Need to Install After You Create a Blog.

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