Tag Archives: Blogspot

Blogspot tutorial, tips & trick for beginner

Connect Namecheap Domain Name with Blogger Account.

Every free blogging platform (blogger, wordpress.com, tumblr.com) allow you to use your own domain name on their platform. If by default using their subdomain name, your url will look like this: blogname.blogspot.com or blogname.tumblr.com. Now if you own domain name, your url will look like this: http://blogname.com. Pretty cool, right?. It look awesome and now you have another bragging right to your friends and family *hehe*.

On my previous post, i show you how to add namecheap domain on tumblr blog. This time blogging tutorial is to show you how to connect namecheap domain name with blogger blog.

1. Go to your blogger dashboard, click Setting tab, and choose Basic. Continue reading Connect Namecheap Domain Name with Blogger Account.

5 Reasons Why You Should Join Tumblr.

Tumblr is a microblogging platform that created by David Karp in 2007 when he was only 19 years old. The original concept when he created tumblr is to giving people a blogging platform choices than WordPress and blogspot (at that time) that easily to manage. No need a lot of button to publish content. For beginner blogger, I honestly think tumblr is a great blogging learning tool before you step to more pro platform like WordPress and blogspot.

I know most of serious blogger are hesitate to use tumblr for their business. It’s understandable, because tumblr SEO performance is not that good. When you search topic/keyword on search engine, it’s rare to find a result from tumblr blog, except if you includes specific word “tumblr”. But, tumblr must have something unique or powerful that make them growing fast and get Yahoo attention this year. Continue reading 5 Reasons Why You Should Join Tumblr.

Google Adsense Custom Search Engine For Blogger.

When you use blogger default template or install 3rd party template, the added search engine is not working at its best. If you test it by type a phrase or specific keywords you looking for, there is a chance you will see no result. That’s because it use a search/label/label name as a result. I mean how can you know all exactly the label name on one blog!. People behavior when they search something on net is type specific word/phrase. So, you need to fix it!.

How?. By create your own search engine!. Well, not exactly yours, it’s Google Custom Search Engine. For all of my blogs, I use Google Custom Search Engine (Adsense for Search). The advantage to use AdSense for search is google will pay every time someone search using Adsense for search widget and click on the Ads that display on result page. And you can customize it by choose an option to show search result from your blog only. It’s SEO friendly widget.

Now, next question is how to add it. It’s very easy actually. But, the main rule is you have to sign up to Google Adsense first. I know I should write something about google AdSense for beginner, but I need this post publish as a part of my  11 Widgets Need to Install After You Create a Blogspot Blog article before jump to next topic. I’ll write AdSense for beginner eventually. So, stay close, okay?. :D. Continue reading Google Adsense Custom Search Engine For Blogger.

I Successful Remove Copied Text “See More” #sthash Hashtag.

If you use ShareThis widget on blogspot blog, you will notice something is wrong when you copy-paste a text from your blog. Well, I’m noticed this quiet long enough, but never take an action to fix it from my blog.:D.

The problem is #sthash hashtag that will appear every time you copy-paste text from a blog. You will see a complete text like this: “See more at: http://BlogURL#sthash.2qPzxtPX.dpuf”. This extended text caused by CopyNShare feature on ShareThis plugin. It use to track your blog activity and how many people share your post. ShareThis didn’t ask my permission for it and i don’t want this function.

I have a comment last week about how people can not copy-paste the code i gave for them. When they paste the code, it’s just show the extended text. Of course, we can trick the copy-paste thing, but my blog is about blogging tutorial for beginner, so things should be easier here, right?. So, i fixed the problem. If you have the same problem and frustrated by it, this is how i delete it.

1. Log in to your Blogger dashboard and go to Lay Out tab.

2. Look for your ShareThis gadget, click edit button. Continue reading I Successful Remove Copied Text “See More” #sthash Hashtag.