I honestly don’t remember when was the last time I write an article about wordpress or blogging tips. I apologize for that. But, now I’m back with a new article, adsense earnings at risk ads.txt file issues, that I’m sure will be helpful, hopefully :). About a couple months ago, I received a warning on my Adsense account said: “Earnings at risk – One or more of your sites does not have an ads.txt file. Fix this now to avoid severe impact to your revenue”.
I ignore it for a while because my adsense revenue is not that big and I don’t pay too much attention on it. But then, in this last two months my revenue increase in good number, so I thought maybe I should fix the ads.txt issue and see how it goes. Also I want my dashboard more “clean” :). It’s fixing is easy though. You just need to click on Fix Now button and download the ads.txt file. See pictures below:
There is a message from Google that you need to upload the file to the root level domain of your sites. It’s into the public_html directory. You can upload the file via wordpress dashboard or your cPanel.
Upload Ads.Txt File Via WordPress Dashboard:
- Log in to your wp admin page and install a new plugin named WP File Manager. Click on install button and activate it.
- On its setting, go to the public_html folder and upload the ads.txt file. Or you can just drag it.
- Upload Ads.Txt File Via cPanel: 1.Log in to your cPanel account and look for File Manager tool.
- Click on it and you will see the similar file manager page as wp dashboard. Click public_html directory and upload/drag the ads.txt file into it.
That’s it, guys. You can choose one of the alternative above. They are the same. Now, to check if this issue successfully solved, you need to open your site ads.txt page by typing on your browser address bar “https://YourSiteName.com/ads.txt” (excluded the quote, okay?). If you don’t see the file, don’t worry, google at least need 24 hours to re-crawl your site. But, mine appear immediately :).
I really hope this adsense earnings at risk ads.txt file issues article can solve your problem and give you headache free :). Thank you for being a faithful readers, have a nice day, and I see you next time :).