Category Archives: CGI

CGI news and tutorial that maybe can help beginner user

[Blender 3D] Particle Object in Dynamic Still Image.

There’s an advantage from blender 3d animation tool. We can create a dynamic still image, just like I show you on cloth article. In this post we will learn how to make multiple objects using particle feature and capture it as a dynamic still image.

Open a new file and create a plane (dimension = 16×16) and Mesh -→ UV Sphere with dimension 4x4x4.

Continue reading [Blender 3D] Particle Object in Dynamic Still Image.

[Blender 3D] Wood Floor Material Using Node.

Like I mentioned on my last article about node tutorial that I think it’s time for my beginner readers to start learning about node. For beginner user, node can be so confusing to use. So, that’s why we will start with a simple wood floor material using node. I still use my house model for this learning.

I select the floor object and create a new material with Image Texture option.

Continue reading [Blender 3D] Wood Floor Material Using Node.

[Blender 3d] Glossy and Glass Material in Cycles.

After I show you how to add basic light source and material in cycles, this time we will learning about glossy and glass material in cycles. The process is similar to diffuse BSDF. So, let’s get started okay?.

Glossy Material:

Select the pyramid or you can add other object to your scene, and then create a new material with Surface = BSDF; Color = Yellow. If you have another object and want to apply the same material as your first object, click on the second object and then the first object. Next press Shift + L (Make Links) and choose Materials.

Continue reading [Blender 3d] Glossy and Glass Material in Cycles.

[Blender 3d] Light Source & Diffuse BSDF Material in Cycles.

On our previous learning, we always use blender internal render. The result is good, but if you want more realistic image, you can use cycles render instead. Because the end result is so realistic and some say perfect, the render time is quiet long. In cycles render, the setting of light and material is different.

In some cases you need to use a node edit. But, that’s another article. For now, we will learn adding light source and diffuse BSDF Material material using cycles render.


For this practice, remove the lamp first. We don’t need it on cycles. And then switch to Cycles Render.

Continue reading [Blender 3d] Light Source & Diffuse BSDF Material in Cycles.