Tag Archives: blender 3d tutorial

Blender 3D Tutorial: Create Neon Effect In A Room.

After learning fluorescent effect with a scene that is no wall, now we will try to apply it inside a room. Most blender user will wondering if the process is the same, the answer to that question is not. It’s needs advance knowledge about blender 3d but still easy to follow, like this blender 3d tutorial: create neon effect in a room article.

We will still using objects from our previous post, a text and a sphere. If you have a plane like me, because we don’t need it anymore, you can delete it.

For replacement object, create a cube and place your neon objects inside of cube. If you want to view on wireframe mode just press Z on keyboard.

Enter edit mode and active Face Normal on mesh display ( shortcut N ). You will see 6 blue lines that directed outside of cube. If you want to place the camera inside the cube and using blender 2.78, I think you will not find any problem at all when you try to render. But, if you place the camera outside the cube, you need to use flip direction tool (shading /uvs) on shelf tool.

Neon Effect In A Room 1 Continue reading Blender 3D Tutorial: Create Neon Effect In A Room.

Blender 3D Tutorial: Light It Up with Fluorescent Effect [Neon].

Blender 3D Tutorial: Light It Up with Fluorescent Effect [Neon]

Emitter effect in blender 3d is one of the feature that you can use to help give fluorescent lighting to surrounding objects. I’m sure you see a lot of this Blender 3D Tutorial: Light It Up with Fluorescent Effect [Neon] in science fiction movie. From this practice we also will learning about Backface Culling ( next post ) where only the inside of the object is visible. After finish this tutorial I think you can apply it on cafe and booth interior design.

Okay, let’s start then…

1. Make a plane as your floor and one object, anykind of object that we will add fluorescent effect. I choose to type my social media username, svnserendipity.

2. Select your object and create a new material. Choose diffuse color you want and on shading increase the emitter value to 2. On world slot, check Indirect Lighting box and on Gather choose Approximate. Try to render your scene. Below are the details instruction and my test render. Continue reading Blender 3D Tutorial: Light It Up with Fluorescent Effect [Neon].

Circle Text and Fake Reflection in Blender 3D.

If you new to this blog, this Circle Text and Fake Reflection in Blender 3D post is the second part of emoji tutorial series. The first article is to show beginner user how to trace image references in blender, and now we will apply a circle text and fake reflection on emoji object.

How to Add Circle Text in Blender 3D:

Before we add a text, we need to make its path first. Shift+C so your 3d cursor place in the middle of grid.

1. To make the path press Shift+A —> Curve —> Circle. Now you have a new bezier circle.

2. Now add a text object and enter edit mode to change the default text to your own text. To make it follow our path, go to text data slot and on text on curve choose your path bezier, mine will be beziercircle.001.

Circle Text and Fake Reflection 1 Continue reading Circle Text and Fake Reflection in Blender 3D.

Create Emoji or Logo with Curve Bezier in Blender 3D Part.1

Emoji. The new pop culture in Internet world. Some people communicate only using emoji. It’s a new code language, even mozilla create codemoji, a website where you can learn about ciphers in fun way, check them out!. Anyway, let’s back to our topic now 🙂

In this new blender 3d tutorial, we will learn how to trace an image, it could be a logo or like what i use for this post a emoji, and make them to a 3d object. The vector feature in blender is limited, but we can use curve bezier tool to trace the image and then add extrude and bevel parameter to turn it to 3d object. In this post we also will learn about fake reflection.

So let’s get started, shall we?.

Add Image References in Blender 3D:

You probably wondering how to bring image references in blender, right?. There are at least 2 ways that I can think of. First, you use the background image tool ( N shortcut ), and secondly, we can create a plane and use the image references as texture. For this learning I choose the second method. Continue reading Create Emoji or Logo with Curve Bezier in Blender 3D Part.1